22-SPGP Public Information Session Set for September 13
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Norfolk District Regulatory Branch (Army Corps) and DEQ will hold a public information session on Tuesday, September 13, at 10 a.m. to go over permit conditions, procedures and application requirements and answer questions about changes related to the reauthorization of State Program General Permits (22-SPGPs) for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Registration for the public information session closes at noon on September 12.
Two SPGPs were reauthorized, effective August 8: one for Residential, Commercial, Institutional and Recreational projects, and another for Linear Transportation projects. The SPGPs authorize the discharge of dredged/fill material in non-tidal Waters of the United States, including wetlands. The revised SPGPs, appendices and associated documents can be found on the Army Corps Norfolk District Regulatory webpage and on DEQ’s website. The 22-SPGPs expire on August 1, 2026.