Drive Smart: Distracted Driving Summit

Member and Industry News,

August 8-9, 2024

Who: DRIVE SMART Virginia (DSV) is a 501c3 non-profit established in 1995 to improve the safety of the roadways of Virginia. Over ten years ago, DSV created “Distracted Driving Awareness Day” in the Commonwealth of Virginia. That one-day event has grown into a month and includes hundreds of partner organizations. DSV also works to educate and inform citizens on the importance of occupant protection, sharing the road and general driver respect and courtesy.

What: 2024 Distracted Driving Summit

For the past ten years, hundreds of attendees have listened to speakers from around the country talk about the most cutting-edge solutions for distracted driving. The Summit will be a day-and-a-half event with general and breakout sessions and an exhibitor area.

Purpose: This Summit will bring together industry leaders, scientists, educators, safety professionals and law enforcement to share ideas, gather information, learn about best practices and forge solutions for distracted driving. The goal will be for all attendees to return to their communities with fresh ideas and reasonable solutions for the distracted driving issues in their area. A tandem goal will be for organizers to gather information and knowledge on issues and roadblocks throughout Virginia in order to build upon existing programs and design better educational opportunities for the future.

Sessions: Sessions will cover a variety of topics including the technology being developed to curb distracted driving, best corporate practices from across the nation, what the research tells us, vulnerable road user issues, law enforcement efforts, and how to ultimately change behavior.

New This Year: EMS/First Responder breakout session track!

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