U.S. House Forms Congressional Aggregates Caucus

Member and Industry News,

Courtesy: NSSGA


The Congressional Aggregates Caucus was formally approved, as a Congressional Member Organization, better known as a caucus. This effort was led by Rep. Nick Langworthy (NY) and Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA), who will be their party’s co-chairs.

The Congressional Aggregates Caucus will serve as an informal, bipartisan group of House members dedicated to enhancing our nation's roads, buildings and the environment. It will provide an educational environment for members of Congress and their staff on industry challenges and policies affecting aggregates producers. The group is actively recruiting other members of Congress. We encourage all NSSGA members to ask their Representatives to join the caucus.

With Congress set to consider critical legislation to the aggregates industry next year from tax reform to surface transportation reauthorization, the formation of this Caucus comes at an opportune time for the industry.

NSSGA Applauds Congressional Aggregates Caucus Launch | The National Stone Sand & Gravel Association