VTCA-VDOT Quarry Summit
The first VTCA-VDOT Quarry Summit was held at Luck Stone’s Rockville Quarry in Richmond where our host and plant manager, Bobby Kulczyk, had the plant in great shape for our event. Nearly 35 representatives from VDOT were in attendance, representing several VDOT districts and central office ranging from the Chief Engineer, the State Materials Engineer, to those enrolled in the VDOT EDGE Program.
The aim of the summit was to illustrate quarry processing and the importance of product balance in aggregate processing. Aggregate production is not like other manufacturing. For instance, if a pipe manufacturing operation’s demand for 4” pipe increases, they make more 4” pipe; they don’t generate more 2” pipe in the process. Aggregate production professionals explained that for every ton of one aggregate product produced, several tons of other aggregate sizes are generated, and aggregate plants have minimal control over those excess materials generated when producing certain high demand products.
Aggregate producers emphasized that excess materials generated are usually stored onsite taking up space and, in some cases, covering areas designated as future reserves. VDOT was enlightened that for aggregate operations to operate efficiently they need to be in “product balance”. Product balance means that not only are there sufficient markets for high demand products, but there are outlets for products generated during the production of the more desired materials.
Following the VTCA aggregate presentations, VDOT was treated to a full and in “depth” (that’s quarry humor) tour of the Rockville Quarry. Luck Stone also coordinated a production blast for the attendees!
Initial feedback from VDOT was very positive, and VTCA and VDOT will look to conduct additional tours in other VDOT districts in the future.