Women in Construction Week
All week long, the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) will be hosting events across the nation to connect and prepare women for a career in construction. Many of the events are being co-hosted by member firms throughout Virginia. From social media promoting staff to equipment rodeos and social networking, firms are seeking this week as an opportunity to show off job opportunities, equipment, and career development, not just in the field, but in the office as well.
In 2020, only 10% of the construction industry was made up of women. NAWIC is leading the celebrations of the 24th Annual Women in Construction Week March 6-12. Women in Construction (WIC) Week raises awareness and celebrates the work of women in the construction industry across the country.
“WIC Week gives chapters nationwide the opportunity to shine a bright light on the construction industry and women’s very important place in it,” said Executive Director Crissy Ingram. “There has long been a culture of construction being only for men. If we can get the women who have worked past that barrier out of the shadows and into the spotlight, they can show other women – no matter the age or background – that there are countless opportunities for them in the industry.”
“[WIC Week is vital to] bringing awareness to the great success women are having in every aspect of the industry,” said National President Doreen Bartoldus. “It will also hopefully influence the next generation to join our ranks after seeing construction can be a great career for women.”
Women have been and continue to be involved in numerous leadership roles throughout VTCA. Amy Morris of T3 Design Corp, Carena Fisher of McPeak Supply and Jan Holt of Chaney Enterprises are current board members and Beth Quinn of Quinn Consulting leads the ECLC.
If you know of any women curious or possibly interested in a career in construction, we welcome them to reach out and we can provide a path in numerous directions. And don’t forget, VTCA has numerous scholarship opportunities – but deadlines are fast approaching! To learn more, click here.