Transportation Engineering Awards

The Engineering Consultant Leadership Committee (ECLC) of the Virginia Transportation Construction Alliance (VTCA) presents its annual VTCA Transportation Engineering Awards program. This program recognizes outstanding design work in the Transportation industry. 

Any VTCA Engineering Consultant Member is eligible to enter. The project must be located in Virginia and must have been managed by a Virginia office with the major portion of the consultant work performed in the Commonwealth. A project may only be entered once; however, a single firm may submit multiple entries. Projects must be related to transportation. 

2024 Transportation Engineering Awards

Overall Winner & Greater than $10 Million Design Build Category Winner

Rummel, Klepper & Kahl 

Transform I-66

Less Than $10M Design Build - VDOT Project Winner


Hunter Mill Road Over Colvin Run

Greater than $10 Million Design Bid Build

- VDOT Winner

Whitman, Requardt and Associates

Route 173 (Denbigh Boulevard) Over I-64 and CSXT Railroad

Greater than $10 Million Design Bid Build Category - Non-VDOT  Winner

A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.  

Winterpock Road Widening   

Greater than $10 Million Design Build Category - Non-VDOT Winner


Lakeside Drive Bridge and Roundabout 

Less than $10 Million Design Bid Build Category - Non-VDOT Winner

Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc. 

Horsepen Creek Crossing 

Less than $10 Million Design Build Category - Non-VDOT Winner

Rinker Design Associates, LLC  

West Glebe Road Bridge Over Four Mile Run Superstructure Replacement and Substructure Repair Progressive Design Build Project 

Honorable Mentions

Greater Than $10M Design Build - VDOT


Route 7 Corridor Improvements

Greater Than $10M - Non-VDOT

Rinker Design Associates, LLC

Otterdale Road Drainage Improvements